Thursday, November 11, 2010

GSD 101: Social Networking Research Assignment Point Value: 100 Points
Due Date:_________
For this assignment, you will read and draw upon the two following articles (links to articles are embedded and can be found on Blackboard):
Who's Googling You?
"Beware of Using Social-Networking Sites to Monitor Students, Lawyers Say"
After you have read the two articles, you will evaluate them using the prompt below:
Assignment Prompt:
What are all the issues surrounding social networking sites as they gain popularity? Use the "Aspiring Thinkers’ Guide to Critical Thinking" to fully analyze the articles. Be sure to acknowledge points of view, create a central idea, summarize key issues, and establish a conclusion. You will be assessed on this assignment in the following ways: Comprehension: Does the student identify the significant issues/concepts/problems with breadth and depth? Does it appear the student understands the issue discussed in the articles and is able to summarize these issues? Recognition of Perspectives: Does the student address relevant perspectives with depth and breadth? Does the student acknowledge different points of view (such as personal, employer, employee, etc…) Application: Does the student accurately apply relevant concepts/theories? Does the student apply the Elements of Thought and Intellectual Standards? Interpretation and Evaluation: Does the student establish a conclusion with fairness, logic, and/or accuracy? Does the student discuss implications and consequences? Synthesis
Assignment Requirements:
Turn in 2 copies of your final assignment for grading
Your name and student ID number should be on assignment
Size 12, Times New Roman Font
Double Space
2-3 pages in length
Please use complete sentences
: Does the student integrate two articles to create a central idea?

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